Installing Flexible Task Graphs
This procedure should be followed by any user interested in
Flexible Task Graphs. It provides a universal initial introduction to
the system. After following this procedure, you will later be able to
expand your participation if you are interested in contributing to
this open source project. If you are only interested in using the
software for real-time Java application development, then the
instructions given here are all you need.
- A Java JRE at level 1.5 or later. If you don't have one,
Eclipse site provides some guidance.
- Eclipse 3.3.1 or later. If you don't have Eclipse or your
current Eclipse is too old visit the Eclipse download
site. If you have never used Eclipse before, we recommend you
start with the Eclipse IDE for Java Developers, but you can
use other versions like Eclipse Classic or the Eclipse IDE
for Java EE Developers if they suit your other needs better.
- Make sure that your Eclipse 3.3.1 (or later) actually runs on your
Java JRE 1.5 (or later). If you have multiple versions of Java and are
not sure which one your Eclipse is running on, then, with Eclipse
running, choose Help->About Eclipse and then Configuration
Details. Scroll down to the java.version property. By default,
Eclipse runs on the JRE that is in the PATH. If this does not give
the desired result, either change the PATH or arrange to start
Eclipse with the -vm option as described in the
eclipse/readme/readme_eclipse.html document that comes with your
Eclipse installation. There are also Eclipse feature prerequisites
but the handling of these differs between Eclipse 3.3.x and Eclipse
3.4 or later. Follow the explicit instructions below depending on your
Installation under Eclipse 3.3.x (at least 3.3.1)
First determine whether you have the feature prerequisites. These are
- The Graphical Editing Framework (GEF).
- The Plugin Development Environment (PDE).
Eclipse downloads will come with one or the other but typically not
both. If you're not sure whether you have them, choose Help->About
Eclipse and then Feature Details. If there is a row with
org.eclipse.gef in the Feature Id column then you have
GEF. Similarly, if there is a row with the id org.eclipse.pde, you
have the PDE. Note which, if either, of these features you are
missing. You will install them along with the Flexible Task Graphs
software. Then:
- Select Help->Software Updates->Find And Install, choose
Search For New Features to Install and press Next.
- On the next page, which shows a list of update sites, press New Remote Site.
- Enter Flexible Task Graphs as the name and as the
URL. Then press Ok. The new update site should appear.
- Make sure the new update site is checked. If you found unsatisfied
prerequisites (GEF or PDE) then also check the Europa Discovery
Site, otherwise leave it unchecked. Make sure no other update site
is checked. Press Finish.
- You may be prompted to specify a mirror but then should be presented with a page containing your selected update sites.
- If you had unsatisfied prerequisites, open the Europa Discovery
Site and find the Graphical Editing Framework under
Graphical Editors and Frameworks and/or the Plugin
Development Environment under Java Development and check
- Open the Flexible Task Graphs site and select the features
to install. You must at least install the Base Programming
- Press Finish and follow the remaining instructions to
complete installation.
Installation under Eclipse 3.4 or Later
- Select Help->Software Updates, then choose the tab labeled
Available Software. Press Add Site.
- Enter and
press Ok. The new site should appear.
- Open the just-added update site and select the features to
install. You must at least install the Base Programming
- Press Install and follow the remaining instructions to
complete installation.
Post-Installation Instructions
After installation is complete and Eclipse has restarted, choose
Help->Help Contents. Then choose Flexible Task Graphs
and open the Programmer's Guide.